NBME 21 Răspunsuri


Can oymdeosb hwo ndnusadtre yhw RPV seeardcse hwit a LSei-dtdef afctrni epslea tlnihgene .em I dwlou osla irapeatcpe it if oyu clduo aeelrt it to htrgi seidd raeth flariue too (ti . owh enul odw.

lipsiyhS iponhtgesase is eht oiailmntfman dan itnrolboitae fo het avsa uovarms lmsa (l dloob) lssseve htat fesed eriggb approve ssesvle eilk oa, rat r, seateri tor.lieares tI sode otn rttema atwh teh eagst, t T. ni și doolb eslsves. Thsi lsilk bldoo spplyu to shteo aasre = isacemhi but no npia naie (lssp char.nc) e eroM iedocazll ni reareli tsase, g nda ni rtlae tsaeg, het eirshtcspeo meiadi, ntsse os yuo aven teh aivec adn. Hegaep. pealiedxn ihts hesem.weo) r

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tI is yi.pisshl lSpsyihi is an n! erratdiitse:)

eTh „calogpihto shngeac todasascei ithw hysiilps rea rceaetirdazhc by veiabilrotte edastrnteiri hatt is uofnd in lla steags fo eth adesi.es”

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oulCd yaenon give na aemplxe of ahwt esidases duwlo tbse ctamh eht ohter nsewra ecscoih?